Showing all 4 results

  • PLANT: Tomato- Sicilian Saucer


    This tomato may be the secret to great pasta sauce! It’s an  heirloom variety, originally from Sicily.  The large, meaty beaf-steak like tomatoes can grow to the size of a small plate.  So if you are into huge veggies, this variety might be for you. . .

  • PLANT: Tomato- Tiny Tim (Heirloom)


    This is the best heirloom tomato we know of for growing in pots!  The plants only grow up to about 1-2 ft tall (hence ‘tiny’), and are just loaded with bright red mini cherry tomatoes about 1in in diameter.  They also ripen earlier than most other heirloom varieties at around 55 days from transplanting.  No trellising/ staking required- although they can still benefit from cages.  Expect alot of the fruit to ripen at the same time. 4 inch pots

  • PLANT: Tomato-Black Cherry/Chocolate Cherry (heirloom)


    Another one of our favourites! This heirloom produces plenty of deep purple fruit which are resistant to cracking. The tomatoes are about 1/2 oz, and have an incredible sweet, complex flavour.

    It’s got an indeterminate growing habit, so you’ll need to trellis/stake or cage it.  Expect ripe tomatoes around 65 days after transplanting.  Instead of having 1 short harvest window, they produce over several months- as long as the plant is healthy.

  • PLANT: Tomato-Sweet Million


    One of our favorite varieties to grow!  This indeterminate (viney) plant bears loads of super sweet, red cherry tomatoes.  Unlike many older varieties, sweet million tomatoes are crack resistant. As a result, they will stand for much longer after harvest, and still taste great.

    You’ll want to cage or trellis these plants. . . .they will take over the garden given the chance!