Cabbage-mini (ea)
pts2.25Mini cabbage perfect for single serving salads or slaw
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Similar to bok choi, but with more sturdy leaves. Doesn’t form a head like bok choi. Good for soups and stirfries.
This looks like dandelion, but actually is a chicory. Has a less bitter flavour than dandelion and is good sauteed like other bitter greens such as endive.
Carrots packed for storage. Locally grown, but not organic.
For fried green tomatoes, pickling, or chutney. You can even make green tomato cake with them! Green tomatoes have a somewhat tart flavour.
The large flat leaves of this parsley are said to be better tasting than the more common curly type. Use the same way as curled leaf parsley.
A mildly flavoured mustard green- somewhat like bok choi, but far more tender. Excellent raw in salads.
Larger radishes that taste just like their smaller, round cousins. Excellent for any kind of recipe that requires you to slice them. And on toast (just butter, radishes, and salt).
Baby pea plants-delicious on sandwiches or in salads, or all by themselves. Taste like peas!
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