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Over the past 8 years of digging in the dirt and building up our market garden, we’ve learned a thing or two- sometimes unexpectedly.

Our Presentations:

There are hard copy hand outs available for both presentations. Hand-outs are $2.50 per person to cover colour printing and our speaking fee is just $150. Both presentations include a power point.

From Seed To Harvest At Green Hart Farms.

(Length: 45min+ 15 min for questions)

What does it take to grow food for 100+ member families?

Lots of planning. And trial and error.

Learn about the steps and processes we go through each season to grow fresh, tasty veggies for the 100+ member families in our veggie box program. And some of the lessons we’ve learned along the way. . .

(Don’t ever question the intelligence of voles)

Potato Beetle

Taking care of your garden: Common pests and diseases

Length: 45min + 15min for questions

Over the years, we’ve seen bugs we didn’t even know existed, and encountered sometimes devastating diseases that we hadn’t seen before our venture into commercial growing.

Learn about scouting, prevention, and control methods to keep your garden safe(er) from the not so nice side of nature.

Speaker Bio

Kendra started gardening as a child. . .and today is co-owner and one of the ‘chief veggie growers’ at Green Hart Farms, a market garden just outside New Hamburg feeding over 100 members each season via their veggie box program. As the daughter in a mother-daughter team, she has worked to grow the business, starting off with just 1 tiny market and 1/4 acre of garden 8 years ago, to the acre and one half plus 4 hoop houses that they currently grow in.

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